Here are five drama games designed to get your kids moving and thinking creatively these holidays.
1. Prop, Person, Place – this is one of my all time favourite drama games. Good for all ages.
- Write up 5-10 locations on different pieces of paper. These could be familiar spaces like kitchen, school playground or more imaginative like Hawaii or the moon.
- Write up 5-10 characters on different pieces of paper. These could be characters from favourite books or movies or generic stock characters like chef, pirate or boss.
- Write up 5-10 props on pieces of paper. Or find the props around the house if you’re feeling inspired.
- Children chose a piece of paper from each pile and have to create a 5 minute show that uses all of the elements. So they might have to make a story set on the moon with a pirate and a roll of toilet paper.
2. Solo Activities
- Ask your child to write a limerick, rap, poem or acrostic poem
- Design a costume out of toilet paper, scrap paper or newspaper
- Create a scavenger hunt that you’ll follow
3. Creating stories based around fairy tales – good for younger children
- Act out and change the ending of a fairytale
- Act out and change the beginning or middle of a fairytale
- Mash two fairytales together.
- Create a new story for some existing characters from a fairytale
4. Acting out scenes – good for all ages
- Create a story with a set first or last line.
- Create a story with a set title and genre
- Create a story with one word in mind.
5. Bus Stop – good for older children.
- Write up a bunch of different character cards from favourite books, movies or tv shows.
- Set up three chairs in a line so it looks like a bus stop bench.
- Children choose a character from the pile and walk to the bus stop as their character. They sit down at the bus stop and pretend to be their character – using body movements, voice and their knowledge of the character. Chat with the other children who are also waiting at the bus stop.
- The goal is to figure out who everyone is while sustaining your character role.
- Great questions to ask are: What have you been up to lately? Where is your bus heading? or have you been on any exciting adventures?
Good luck and I hope you enjoy these activities 🙂